Sunday, June 11, 2006

Scientific Method and Quality

From the scientific method, you are deriving the fundamental tenets of ISO or any of the 'quality ensuring' formulae of the past twenty years.

May I suggest that you install flow-charting to further refine behavioral and procedural constraints...they really do require rigor and defy divergence. Results then turn out to be only as good as those persons involved...back to rigor.

1 comment:

James said...


I agree! Lets get to the higher-ordered scientific methodology thinking necessary for success vs. the well articulated measured failure of the past several decades.

Great beginning ten-point toss-up for the "Digital World Cafe" forum.

Love the flow-charting and constraints comment.......WHAT a HOOT!

Back to the rigor (very telling as defined by Websters).

THANKS for the shared insight.
