Saturday, October 21, 2006

Summary, Please!


Could you give us a "snapshot" of last weeks event(s) and let us know what's next?




Karl Klimek said...

To all (hopefully still) friends. An inordinate amount of effort and tasks are now behind me, as C2006 was a roaring success. With tail between legs, I apologize for not remaining in tight communication with you. A "tipping point" was activated and caused a major pull-back toward a more stable, personal configuration. Please...another chance?

C2006 displayed the best of what this Foundation has become. We were swamped with multitudes of engineers from around the globe. The students rose to the levels of their potential, demonstrating, again, that they have it if we create the opportunities for them to demonstrate it!

What's next is yet to be seen. The beauty of Convergence is we now have another 2 year development period to out-class ourselves.

Please...A reconnection? A reestablishment of past discussions?


James said...


Congratulations! No surprises here, just successful self-fulfilling phrophecies! Let's continue to collaborate to create more future success's.

