Wednesday, November 29, 2006

First-like THUMB-Print made on the Huron Peninsula! Congratulations Award!

Students showcase alternative energy vehicle: Students in the Huron Intermediate School District in Huron County displayed their Innovative Vehicle Design project this month at the Huron Area Technical Center. In October, the students received the Innovation Award, the Presentation Award and the Founders’ Award at Convergence 2006 at Cobo Conference and Exhibition Center in Detroit. A group of 20 students from each K-12 school in the county, named Breaking Wind, built a blue one-person car named Aeolus that operates with two 12-volt batteries powered by wind energy garnered by a 24-volt wind turbine. When the batteries run low, they’re recharged by hooking up the turbine to the vehicle. The IVD project is the result of a $10,000 grant from the Convergence Education Foundation, designed for high school students to stimulate innovative thinking by blending engineering, science, math and advancing technologies to create an alternative fueled vehicle. More at the Huron Daily Tribune.

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