Greetings, everyone!
Please enjoy the latest issue of the CEF Circuit. Be sure to check-out the new audio download featuring Dr. Kathy Clark on the home page of our website. She was interviewed by Kalena Porter, a student from University High School. It is a part of the growing Digital Carer Roadmap being developed as another CEF project at that school!
Please forward this to anyone that might also be interested in our work.
The Circuit newsletter is also available on the CEF website:
Digital Career Roadmap
In the near future, we will provide you with our "Digital Career Roadmap" that will assist you by providing some direction toward careers in engineering, science or mathematics. Until then, we will offer some websites that can helpyou along your journey!
What is an engineer, anyway?
Realizing that there are hundreds of types of engineers, we have begun to ask some professionals that we know, two basic questions. Here is what we have so far:
Len Tedesco
Vice President, Electronics Engineering, Lear Corporation
What is an engineer?
"Engineers are individuals who enjoy taking on a
technical challenge. They thrive on inventing new ideas while solving
complex problems. They obtain great satisfaction in finding solutions of a
technical nature or seeing their ideas come to fruition. They become
frustrated when things do not work as originally planned but their rewards
are magnified when they finally solve those difficult problems.
In summary, an Engineer is an inventor in a real world."
What does an engineer do?
"An Engineer is given or identifies a technical
challenge that requires in depth analysis and creative thinking. They
dissect the concern and determine possible solutions. After deciding the
best route , they proceed to construct and prove out their creation. They
are persistent in repetitive tests to assure the best solution is provided.
They are motivated by the complexity of the problem and the satisfaction of
a perfect solution."
Useful Websites!
Link to Society of Women Engineers
Link to Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE)
Link to Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
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